October in November...I know, I know

 Welp. it happened once again. I procrastinated my October blog update until this moment. I was waiting for the right moment at the end of last month, but...to no avail. The reason I was putting it off towards the end of the month? Events. Instances. Life. Experiences. I wanted to save the best for last. But what was in store for me and my circle of friends was otherwise. I wanted to wait to write about October because I was going to go to a second TOOL show in Tacoma, WA. But...it never happened. We'll get back to that.

    The beginning of October was pretty chill. I bought some materialistic items such as patches, DVD's, vinyl albums and weed. Weed is a constant. So that is neither here or there. Pitter patter. Then towards the middle of the month, around the tenth. I went to Spokane to watch Cannibal Corpse at the Knitting Factory. Phenomenal show! Blood Incantation (my 1st time seeing them), Gorguts (1st time seeing them as well), Mayhem (3rd Mayhem show [flexes bicep]) and Cannibal Corpse [2nd time seeing them]. I thought it was kind of interesting that there were no local openers, but, a four band tour is quite the cavalcade of riffs, blasts and leads. I want to extend many many thanks to Waylon Michel! For all the driving and expenses. You rule, cuz!

    After Cannibal Corpse in Spokane. Things were a little quiet in the home front. Just focused on work and taking care of the family. But within days...it was time for TOOL. I have a habit of buying TOOL tickets as soon I hear they are going on sale. TOOL and Melvins are the band I have seen the most. I have lost count how many times I have seen them. I bought these TOOL tickets months ago. I took my wife, Chrystal, my best friend Chris and his room mate, Jon. It was Jon's first TOOL show. Much like taking Randy Van Driessen aka Randy Bradshaw in 2020, another first. Anyhoo, Chrystal and I went all out. Hotel room. Food for after the show. Booze. We were on a mission. And the show was exhilarating! TOOL never cease to amaze. The music, the lights, projections and lasers. All synced to perfection. Jon had gone to many shows. Even seeing bands in the 80s. And he said that TOOL show was the best show had seen in his entire life. I was amazed with his comparison. But, alas. TOOL was flawless that night. I wrote down the setlist:












    TOOL allowed cellphone use during the last song. Here's my footage of INVINCIBLE:

    I love TOOL. Always will.

    Now. Back to what I was saying about why the October blog update (because that's what I have been using HEAD OF DEVIN for, monthly updates on my existence) is late. And why I never went to the TOOL Tacoma show. Just a few days right after TOOL's Spokane show. My best friend, former band mate and what I would call my big brother, Chris, passed away. I was in shock when his room mate Jon told me. I had spent the whole rest of October and up to now, this very moment as I type and form this blog entry, behind a veil of mourning and grief for my brother. I stayed home the night of the TOOL Tacoma show. I couldn't travel alone. I would have thought about my brother the whole time. Deep deep grief and mourning. It was hard to work without taking moments to breakdown and sob. He meant the world to me. He still does. Even in passing. I will never forget him. I will never not say his name. He was one of the realest, take no shit, read you in seconds, observant, talented and I would say most genius person I have ever known. Days after his passing, I had inherited his pride and joy electric guitar, Charlene. I even have his amp. Jon insisted on keeping Chris's acoustic and Boss GT-6. Deep inside, I wanted everything. But. Jon was close to Chris too. The four years they had lived together formed a great bond. I didn't want to be uncooperative. I agreed with Jon having those instruments and he was more than happy to let me have the amp and Charlene. I really want to extend thanks to Chris's sister for also giving her blessing with Chris's gear. I have so many memories of Chris. I could write a book. I will miss him, so much.

    I ended October, kind of the same way I began it. Got some materialistic things. I splurged on some vinyl. Bought some digital albums off Bandcamp. I have been getting more and more into Reaper DAW. Bought some new Cabinet IR's. Bought the Amp Knob plug in. Downloaded some new free amp plug ins. Bought a new Boss Heavy metal pedal, the ole HM-2.  I bought from an old dude here in Omak. When I met him for the transaction, he told me the amp he uses does the same sound. I didn't ask him what amp he had. I should have asked him. I assume it's a Fender Mustang or a Line 6 Spyder.

    I have been smoking hella weed. Chris is constantly on my mind. I also want to extend some love and thanks to my wife, Chrystal. And my son, Nathan. they are the root of my life. I have to sometimes check myself. Because I tend to be hella selfish and unthoughtful. Flaws if you will. I still did manage to have a decent Halloween. I did get a bit diva here and there (sorry Chrystal). But still managed to provide Nathan a night to remember.

Nathan Jr's school costume

    Cheers to anyone keeping up with this blog. Many thanks to friends reaching out about Chris. He touched a lot of people. Take a moment and tell your friends you care and say Hi, how are you and much love. As cliche as it is to say, you just never know when you never see them again. Take care folks. Much love!



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